Hide and Seek

My mind and my body often feel separated, lacking the awareness of what connects me to myself. I am in search of a relationship to the vessel I am living within, in hopes of discovering an acceptance and understanding of the ways both positive and negative emotions physically manifest within me. By mending abstractions of the human body’s interior space with the structure of natural landscapes, I go on a deeply intimate exploration of self.

My work is highly influenced by the fanciful qualities of Surreal-Abstraction. I use paint to create my own worlds that give visual life to moments of calm when I am present within my own body during the act of creating. Constructing scenes made of soft, round forms implies this is a safe environment to exist within - where various systems share a tightly enclosed space without being a threat to one another. Through abstraction, I dive into a realm of the unseen - a place for self expression and reflection as I form a personal relationship with my body and mind from a purely intuitive approach as I am an observer of what is happening within me.

Each piece acts as evidence and documentation, inspired by my mental and physical state in a specific moment in time. Despite the intensity of how emotion can manifest within the body, using a whimsical palette allows me to find beauty in the chaos. A time to celebrate being a complex, soft, vulnerable and powerful being.
